Sutton Runners Membership
Join Us
Membership fees to March 2025 are as follows:
Full membership £37
Family membership* £71
Second Claim membership** £26
Associate membership*** £8
*Family membership covers member, their partner and any children aged 17-25.
** For those who are already full members of another England Athletics registered club.
*** For those wanting to support the club but not compete.
As a full member of Sutton Runners, you will be automatically registered with England Athletics (not 2nd Claim or Associate Members). Membership of England Athletics allows you to compete in events available exclusively to registered athletes. You will also receive discounted entry to all UKA licensed road races.
Membership will also enable you to train on the athletics track at the David Weir Leisure Centre on Wednesday evenings on payment of an additional fee (£25 per year for Full and 2nd Claim members, £40 for couple/family or £3 per session). Payment is made separately and instructions will be given after membership is confirmed.
​If you are interested in joining please email